Accounting boost for online retailers: keep track with easybill 2 DATEV from JERA

Guest article JERA on simplifying accounting in e-commerce

*Guest article: JERA GmbH

Many retailers today choose to trade online – in their own store or via marketplaces. However, incoming payments from different providers and platforms make accounting difficult. How are retailers supposed to keep track of this and allocate invoices quickly and accurately? One solution that makes accounting processes much easier is easybill 2 DATEV from JERA. In this article, we explain the advantages it brings for retailers and tax consultants.

Automated invoice reconciliation for multichannel retailers: how Klaus saves time and costs in accounting

Klaus is an online retailer and sells his goods via his own online store and various marketplaces. His customers can purchase his goods on eBay, Kaufland and Amazon Marketplace, which brings him additional reach and sales – but also high costs and time-consuming accounting. This is because the various marketplace reports and receipts from different payment providers have to be reconciled with the invoices.

Without automation, this is a lengthy process for the retailer’s tax advisor. They need a suitable invoicing program and a suitable interface that facilitates the transfer of data.

Error-free and fast: how retailers benefit from easybill 2 DATEV

The FIBU interface easybill 2 DATEV from JERA with the easybill invoicing program offers an ideal solution here. JERA is a leading provider of FIBU interfaces with many years of experience and extensive expertise in the field of accounting. The easybill 2 DATEV interface enables trader Klaus to work seamlessly with his tax consultant and his DATEV accounting software. This not only makes his work much easier, but also more cost-effective. easybill is a user-friendly and efficient invoicing program for companies. It offers an ideal solution for online retailers, making it much easier to create invoices and offers while complying with all legal requirements.

Optimize accounting processes with easybill 2 DATEV from JERA

By using JERA’s FIBU interface, retailers like Klaus can ensure the smooth transfer of data from easybill and thus facilitate payment reconciliation of the marketplaces for accounting purposes. In practice, the revenue is retrieved from easybill in the first step and prepared for accounting in DATEV format. They are correctly pre-assigned for the OSS (One-Stop-Shop).

The finished booking batches are then transferred to the tax consultant via the DATEV booking data service so that the tax consultant can process the data directly in the DATEV software. This saves time and effort in accounting and minimizes errors. At the same time, easybill 2 DATEV offers efficient integrations for numerous platforms and payment solutions to facilitate payment reconciliation and ensure accurate accounting.

Test easybill 2 DATEV free of charge

To experience the performance of the FIBU interface easybill 2 DATEV from JERA for yourself, we offer you the opportunity to download a trial version free of charge. Simply visit our webshop at and download the trial version. Alternatively, you can also use our contact form to book an individual trial version with set-up support.

About the author:

JERA is a leading provider of financial accounting interfaces developed specifically for online retailers. With many years of experience and in-depth expertise, JERA simplifies and automates the accounting process efficiently.

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