Advantages of the e-invoice for accounting

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In today’s digital business world, companies face numerous challenges in order to remain competitive and efficient. One of the most significant developments in this area is the introduction and use of e-invoices. This digital form of invoicing offers numerous advantages over traditional paper documents, especially in the area of accounting. In this blog post, we will highlight the key benefits of e-invoicing for accounting and how businesses can benefit from this technology.

Increased efficiency and cost savings

The switch to e-invoices brings considerable efficiency gains and cost savings. Traditional paper invoices require a large number of manual steps, from creation to dispatch and archiving. These processes are time-consuming and error-prone. E-invoices automate many of these steps and therefore significantly reduce the effort and error rate.

Automated processes

E-invoices enable the automatic processing of invoice data. Modern accounting software can generate, send and receive e-invoices directly from the company’s ERP system. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of input errors. In addition, incoming e-invoices can be automatically imported into the accounting software and processed, which further reduces the processing effort.

Reduced costs

The use of e-invoices leads to significant cost savings. According to a study by the German Electronic Invoicing Association (VeR), companies can save up to 80% of costs compared to paper invoices by switching to e-invoices. These savings result from the reduction in material costs (paper, printer ink), shipping costs (postage, enveloping) and storage costs (archiving of paper documents). In addition, personnel costs can also be reduced thanks to the shorter processing times.

Improved traceability and transparency

Another significant advantage of e-invoicing is the improved traceability and transparency of invoice processes. In a paper-based accounting system, it can be difficult to track the current status of an invoice, especially if it moves between different departments. E-invoices offer clear advantages here.

Real-time tracking

With e-invoices, companies can track the status of their invoices in real time. Most e-invoicing systems offer features that allow users to see when an invoice has been created, sent, received and paid. This transparency makes it easier to quickly identify and resolve any delays or issues.

Better control and compliance

The use of e-invoices also facilitates compliance with legal regulations and internal controls. E-invoices are more tamper-proof than paper documents and offer better auditability. Many systems store all changes and actions related to an invoice, which facilitates verification and tracking. In addition, electronic invoices are often better protected against loss or damage than paper documents.

Sustainability and environmental protection

In addition to the economic benefits, the use of e-invoices also contributes to sustainability and environmental protection. The elimination of paper and the reduction in the physical dispatch of documents have a positive ecological impact.

Reduction in paper consumption

The switch to e-invoices leads to a significant reduction in paper consumption. According to a study by Billentis, over 500 billion invoices and similar documents are issued worldwide every year, a large proportion of which are still in paper form. By switching to electronic invoices, millions of trees can be saved and the environmental impact of paper production can be reduced.

Lower CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions can also be reduced by using e-invoices. The physical dispatch of paper documents requires energy for transportation, whether by post or courier service. Electronic invoices, on the other hand, are transmitted digitally, which drastically reduces energy consumption and the associated CO2 emissions. This helps to reduce a company’s environmental footprint.

Fast payment processing and improved liquidity

E-invoices can improve the speed of payment processing and thus have a positive impact on a company’s liquidity.

Shorter payment cycles

By automating invoice processing, e-invoices can be processed and approved more quickly. This shortens payment cycles and enables companies to receive payments more quickly. In addition, many e-invoicing systems offer the option of communicating payment terms and deadlines clearly and transparently, which makes it easier to meet these deadlines.

Early payment rebates and discounts

A faster invoicing process can also enable companies to benefit from early payment discounts and cash discounts. Many suppliers offer discounts for early payments, which are easier to realize due to the faster processing of e-invoices. This can lead to additional cost savings and further improve the company’s financial situation.

Conclusion: The future of accounting is digital

Switching to e-invoices offers numerous benefits for accounting, from increased efficiency and cost savings to improved traceability and transparency, positive environmental impact and improved liquidity. Given these benefits, it is hardly surprising that more and more companies are switching to e-invoicing. The future of accounting is digital, and e-invoices play a central role in this.

Companies that decide to introduce e-invoices at an early stage can not only optimize their internal processes, but also gain a competitive advantage. By using modern technologies and adapting to digital business processes, they can ensure that they remain competitive in an increasingly digitalized world. It is therefore time to recognize and actively exploit the potential of e-invoicing.

Draft law on issuing invoices in accordance with Section 14 UStG

On this occasion, we would also like to inform you about the latest draft of the e-invoicing regulation from the Federal Ministry of Finance. Download the current letter here and stay up to date with the latest legislation.

Read also:
Increased efficiency through e-invoicing: e-invoicing software for SMEs
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