“How do I connect the DHL Business Customer Portal with easybill?” – “How do I create different document templates?” – “Why doesn’t it work the way I want it to?”- “How does a budget billing work?” – “Do you have a help center?” Every day, our customers and new prospects ask all these questions about easybill. Reaching for the phone is sometimes difficult for many. Yet it is still the fastest way to get a targeted answer and assistance. Our support team always offers you outstanding service.
Admittedly, sometimes you first have to listen to the music on hold on the phone, because the easybill support team now supports over 15,000 customers in their daily work. Therefore, how about a way to perhaps be able to answer your own questions? We would be happy to show you our various offers.
On easybill.de you will find all the channels through which we regularly provide you with topics related to easybill, taxes, invoices and much more. Via the main menu you will find the category Resources. In short, our offer for you is divided into the following areas: the help center, the YouTube channel easybillTV, our telephone support, our guide section, our free templates for you and also the offer for a free design package. What wish remains open there?

The easybill Help Center
What started as a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) has quickly grown into a comprehensive help center. The help center covers all areas of the account and is constantly being expanded with additional content. The most frequently asked questions about functions, functional areas or processes in easybill are explained here step by step. Screenshots directly from easybill round off the instructions so that you can work out the solution yourself.

You want to know how to create a credit note? No problem! Are you changing from the small business regulation to the standard taxation? The Help Center will explain that, too, in just a few steps. Use the full text search in the upper area to search for your problem or a specific term. You don’t find what you are looking for or too many texts are not your thing? Then we have more alternatives up our sleeve for you.
easybillTV on YouTube
So if you are more the visual type and prefer to watch a video whose content you can relate to at the same time in your account, then our YouTube channel easybill TV is the right place for you. Unlike the other online help, however, easybill TV offers even more: interviews with experts in a wide variety of fields, such as tax advisors, in our Tax Talk category. Take a look behind the scenes here, too. Get to know our easybill support team members via #meetthecrew. Put a face to the voice you otherwise only know on the phone.

Guidebook – Refreshing your basic knowledge
Are you just starting out with your company and need an overview of the basics? In our guide, we summarize the most important topics around invoices, finances and document management. Don’t deal with extensive texts in technical Chinese, but make use of our summarized content on each topic. Do you already know the guide? If not, you are welcome to take a look at our website. This way: get to know the easybill guide.
Even entrepreneurs who have been on the market for a long time can refresh their basic knowledge at any time. Some topics may be less familiar to you or may only come up for the first time after years. For example, are you just getting into international trade? Topics such as the One Stop Shop or intra-community deliveries never played a role for you until now? But now you have to deal with the topic. We are happy to support you!
Free Templates & Design Package
You have just started your business. The registration has already been completed, you now have a VAT ID or a tax number, but how do you now really start with your documents? Logo? Stationery? What exactly is appropriate and when? Do I even need a stationery from the beginning or is a logo sufficient for now? Who designs such a logo for me and at what cost? easybill would like to support you on this path as well! For new customers there is a special offer: use the service of the free design package and let the Designwerkstatt24 create a logo or a stationery for you. Just as you wish, according to your specifications.

You are not yet an easybill customer, but you are still looking for an invoice template? We offer these for download so you can get started right away. Download an invoice template for Word or as a PDF. Your advantage with our templates: if you decide to become an easybill account later on, the layout will look almost identical and you can continue invoicing in the same design without your existing customers noticing. More service is not possible! Small businesses also get their money’s worth here, because we also provide a free template for them.