Angebote schreiben in easybill

creating an XRechnung online

Create and send XRechnungen/ZUGFeRD Invoices online

Optimize your invoice creation process and generate compliant XRechnungen/ZUGFeRD invoices in just a few seconds using the cloud-based invoicing software from easybill.

  • Create your invoice within seconds

  • Cloud-based: Access to invoice status at any time

  • Automated invoicing

  • Electronic sending of invoices

X Rechnung online schreiben
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What is a XRechnung?

XRechnung: What is meant by it?

What is a XRechnung?

ZUGFeRD (Zentraler User Guide des Forums für elektronische Rechnung Deutschland) and XRechnung are new standards for invoicing. For some companies and especially public authorities, they are now mandatory.

XRechnung: What is meant by it?

XRechnung, even called Factur-X 1.0 or X-Rechnung, is a standard for electronic invoices. Since November 27, 2020, all service providers and suppliers who want to issue an invoice to the public sector must use this format. If you don’t, you risk not getting your bill paid.

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  • What is the benefit of the XRechnung?

  • Why is it necessary to write an XRechnung?

    XRechnung is intended to drive e-invoicing forward. This means that the authorities now want to run the entire invoicing process electronically. They expect this to save time and, ultimately, presumably also to require fewer staff.

    Another advantage is that paper invoices will gradually be completely eliminated in this way. The XInvoice is issued via electronic invoice dispatch.

    Time savings and cost reductions apply to both sides that use e-invoicing. Because you can also benefit from greater automation of the entire process.

    Warum muss eine xrechnung geschrieben werden - einfach erklärt
    • And there is another reason why you should get to grips with XRechnung: Presumably, companies from the private sector will also switch to the new procedure sooner or later. Because in the private sector, too, lower costs are a clear argument in favor of innovations.

  • How is the XRechnung created?

  • Create and send XRechnung

    There is still the question of what to pay attention to if you want to use the new data format. First of all, you should not confuse the XRechnung with an invoice in PDF format. An XRechnung can also be created as a PDF, but from a technical point of view it is much more.

    Since the XRechnung is produced in a very specific, so-called XML invoice format, it can be read by machine. Companies that work with the federal government or a federal agency submit the invoice directly via a specially created invoice receipt platform. The program checks the invoice for errors in the first step and – if it finds errors – reports them directly to you. This in turn saves time.

    Wie erstelle ich eine ZUGFeRD-XRechnung

    Create XRechnung with easybill

    Invoicing software for XRechnungen

    create xrechnung online

    Why spend more time than necessary on the technical details of the XRechnung?

    easybill enables you to simply convert your invoices to the new format and quickly participate in e-invoicing. Simply created invoices can be converted with just a few clicks – very easy with easybill!

    • 1

      Create an invoice in easybill as usual

    • 2

      Enter the fields required for an XRechnung

    • 3

      Download the document in XRechnung format or send it by e-mail

    Write XRechnung now for free!

    7-day trial period ends automatically. No payment details required.


    Frequently asked questions
    about easybill and invoices

    What are the legal requirements for an XRechnung?

    An XRechnung must correspond to the standard of the same name, which is operated by the coordination office for IT standards (KoSIT) and conforms to the European standard EN-16931. In addition to the classic mandatory information for invoices, e.g. B. X-Invoices to federal authorities still contain a routing ID, terms of payment, bank details of the payee and the e-mail or De-Mail address of the biller.

    How can XRechnung be automated?

    XRechnung can be automated with online invoicing software such as easybill by having the software provide the invoice in the correct format including the necessary mandatory information. In addition, XRechnung can be sent automatically and digital to customers and payment reminders can be sent as needed, saving time and increasing efficiency.

    How does easybill guarantee the security of my data?

    With easybill, your data is in the best hands. Your data is stored exclusively on servers in Germany and protected by modern encryption standards. As an additional safeguard, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available to you. Everything about account security in easybill.

    Which membership do I test?

    To be able to test all features, our 7-day free trial period always includes the BUSINESS package.

    Will my account be deleted after cancellation?

    No, cancelling the account only terminates the paid membership. The account remains in the free FREE membership. You will continue to have access to data and documents as long as the account is actively used in the FREE membership. Please note that we reserve the right to delete the free account after 90 days of inactivity.

    What are the advantages of using XRechnung?

    The use of XRechnung leads to an increase in efficiency and minimization of errors in invoicing. Businesses can also benefit from faster payments, cost savings and sustainability benefits. Overall, XRechnung offers a variety of benefits that can help improve the efficiency and sustainability of companies.

    How secure is the exchange of XRechnung?

    The exchange of XRechnung is usually secure, since the data is transmitted in encrypted form and an electronic signature ensures the authenticity and integrity of the invoice. However, companies must adhere to certain security standards, such as using secure transmission protocols and appropriate safeguards to ensure data remains protected.

    Is everything included in the membership price?

    Yes, there are no hidden costs. Shipping credit must be booked separately, actively. You have full cost control at all times.

    What are the membership subscription times?

    All paid packages are available on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis. You decide on the package duration. Click here for easybill prices.

    How do I activate the FREE membership?

    The free FREE package does not need to be booked. It activates automatically at the end of your trial period. Start your free trial at any time.
    “Please note that we reserve the right to delete the free account after 90 days in case of inactivity.”

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      Sehr gute Software, das Team hilft einem schnell wenn man Fragen hat, auch beim einrichten.
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    • Petra Vaessen ★★★★ vor 2 Wochen
      Der Support war gut, ich würde mir jedoch von Easybill bei der Einarbeitung in das Programm mehr als nur eine Stunde zu Beginn (wo man das Programm gar nicht kennt) und danach nur 10 Min Intervalle wünschen. Ansonsten ist die Softwar gut! … More
    • Heinrich Altmiks ★★★★★ vor einem Monat
      Herr Jäger ist ein Support-Mitarbeiter, wie ich ihn mir als Kunde wünsche – großartig!
      Sehr hilfsbereit, geht auch mal "die Sonderrunde" für den Kunden – großartig.
      Aufgrund seines Einsatzes habe ich mich für die Software entschieden!
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    • Olga Frank ★★★★★ vor einer Woche
      Wir nutzen easybill seit Dezember 2024 und ich kann easybill nur weiterempfehlen. Der Support war uns eine sehr große Hilfe, bei allen Import-Problematiken, die von uns selbst verursacht wurden. Telefonisch war der Support zwar etwas schwer … More zu erreichen, was momentan an der Umstellung auf E-Rechnungen zurückzuführen ist. Jedoch wurde über die Support-Anfragen immer sehr schnell geantwortet und auch die vereinbarten Telefontermine wurden eingehalten. Ich hatte mit verschiedenen Support-Mitarbeitern immer einen positiven und hilfreichen Kontakt. Insbesondere möchte ich aber Frau Wartensleben erwähnen, die uns sehr viel Arbeit erspart hat und mit viel Geduld die Zusammenhänge erklärt hat und auf jeden Fall über die Supportleistung hinaus geholfen hat. Vielen Dank dafür.

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