Germany’s first digital platform for Internet law since 1999
The founders of eRecht24, lawyer Sören Siebert and Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf.Karsten Fernkorn, recognised this early and correctly:
The Internet is something really big! But does anyone have any idea what you can and cannot do on it? So the simple idea for an informative, digital platform around the big, new topic “Internet” was born – in 1999.
In the same year – during the first dotcom hype – eRecht24 was founded. The long-term goal was soon clear: to create easily understandable content and practical tools to help non-lawyers understand the complex topic of “Internet law”.
Today, eRecht24 provides companies, agencies, shops and everyone else who travels in Web 2.0 with practical tools and digital content such as webinars, checklists and samples in order to make websites such as online shops dunning-proof quickly and easily.