Open Banking API
More convenience
finAPI GmbH is one of the leading providers of banking APIs in Germany and is licensed by BaFin as an account information service and payment initiation service. The Munich-based company has been developing and implementing adequate Open Banking and Open Finance solutions for B2B customers and their applications since 2008.
Since the beginning of 2019, SCHUFA Holding AG has acquired a majority stake in fintech finAPI and both companies are working hand in hand to develop XS2A-based solutions.
A concept for success
finAPI provides a platform to securely connect businesses, banks and users. finAPI enables access to and analysis of account data or initiation of payments on behalf of customers with an excellent Open Banking API. In addition, finAPI supports banks and financial service providers with the XS2A server to provide the mandatory PSD2 banking interface for TPPs. In the future-oriented Open Finance Ecosystem, finAPI thus enables all parties involved to provide innovative services with real added value.
Banking of the future
finAPI is the foundation for the banking of the future and positions itself as a reliable solution provider for banks, FinTechs, e-commerce as well as software houses of any size. Compliance, data refinement, full service and business intelligence are central added values that finAPI works on every day with many in-house experts.