
About PlainStaff

PlainStaff is the complete solution for working time recording, project time recording and absence management in companies.



Fast and clear recording of project times by employees on the PC or via smartphone.

All projects at a glance: One glance is enough and everyone involved knows how much project budget is left and how many hours have not yet been billed.

Professional invoices in the blink of an eye: A few clicks are all it takes and PlainStaff generates an invoice in easybill from the recorded hours.



Secure, DSGVO-compliant storage of data in the cloud

Audit-proof management of working time and vacation accounts

MiLoG compliant recording of working time

Automatic compliance with statutory working hours and mandatory breaks

Satisfied users

Easy connection to accounting via REST API



Project time recording: 1,90 € per employee and month

Working time recording: 1,90 € per employee and month

Absence management: 1,20 € per employee and month